Marilyn Parker
In Loving Memory of
Dr. Bessie Reece
(Founding Partner 06-1999 until 02-2020)
Sparkman Magazine is dedicated to serving the Christian community and publishes articles to inspire and encourage.
It is our mission to deliver
Information through publishing, community engagement, innovation,
new media, and special programs. We will produce an
innovative digital magazine featuring mental health topics
important to Families across the lifespan. We also provide
employment, education and awareness campaigns and seek to promote
community forums and special events. Sparkman
Publication - a free, digital publication will usher in a new
era of anti-stigma, self-advocacy education. Our uniquely
creative publication will allow our readers to engage from the convenience of their
smartphones, laptops, and tablets at their own pace, on
their own time. Sparkman Publication seeks to inspire our
readers to be proactive about their lifestyle, as well
as their spiritual and physical health and wellness of family
members and the community-at-large. We encourage our audience to be sure and choose a church home!
Our readership is wide ranging, 75% of our readership are women between 25-65. A very key demographic and the main decision makers when it comes to spending, looking to shop local or online, educational and career opportunities. Also, they are the ones to be active in exploring what is going on in their world. Reach Out today for more information.
In addition to being a publication that uplifts, encourages and inspires, Remember Sparkman is dedicated to providing detailed local and regional employment and career opportunity information.
If you'd like to connect with this audience to showcase your brand, thought leadership, or solution, please contact us to explore your options.
Marilyn Parker-Publisher-CEO Sparkman Magazine is a family-owned digital publication dedicated to serving the community and publishes articles to inspire and encourage. It is a Christian Publication seeking to serve resources and opportunities to empower our readers in successful living in life.
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