Sparkman Thriving Literacy Bookshelf

Sparkman Thriving

Literacy Bookshelf

In the book, "Employed", Marilyn Parker wakes up leaders to help those with jobs and no jobs, and those that are stuck in a dead-end job. If you are looking to change careers and make a difference, I highly recommend this book. "Employed" is a game-changer!

Dr. Robert Watkins/ Conqueror Worldwide/ Windermere, FL 34786

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Unevenly Yoked is an amazing piece of literature that cuts across love, family, courage, dilemma, etc. The author’s ability to significantly influence readers' emotions and create firm mental attachment left me in awe. The author is endowed with a strong, creative, and expressive writing style. Unevenly Yoked exhibits balanced artistry of suspense and artistic candor, which puts the author first in the exalted league of Great Fiction Writers. Each chapter made me deeply appreciate the plot while allowing for a great level of enlightenment. I am encouraged by the author’s writing prowess and in awe of this exceptional piece he has created. Readers will get a first-class reading experience by the detailed and sophisticated description of the event in this book. Unevenly Yoked captured the candid display of bravery, teamwork, family bond, love, etc. I find the author’s ability to promote positivity in his work, such as courage, love, care, and determination, even more exceptional. (The author) left my heart filled with admiration towards the unbreakable bond that held the Dillions. With a strong message of courage, hope, love, and relentlessness. This book encourages the readers to positively impact the world and devote their lives to humanity, as clearly expressed through the life of Pastor Frazier (GP). readers can comprehend the context of this work. Grab some snacks, get comfy, and ensure that you set aside time because you will not want to put this book down until you’re done. Evenly Yoked - Kindle edition by Dean, Kevin. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @

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  TRUMP” 365 DAYS OF PRAYER JOURNAL FOR DONALD TRUMP. Prophet Ronald Newsome commits to President Trump and members of his administration to God for divine intervention, guidance, and favor showing all another level of patriotism to one’s nation and faithfulness to God. This journal has enlightened me and created a reason for me to stand up for my country in prayers. Each prayer concisely exposed me to the importance of aligning one’s nation to God’s leadership and protection to achieve advancement as a nation.

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This book uses the metaphor of a caterpillar's metamorphosis into a butterfly to illustrate the beautiful process of change and growth that God desires for each of us. The caterpillar represents the beginning of our journey — the part of us that is still developing, learning, and preparing for what is to come. The cocoon represents those times when we feel hidden or stuck, when God is working on us in secret, away from the eyes of others, refining us for the next stage. And the butterfly? It symbolizes the culmination of our transformation: a life of freedom, beauty, and purpose, soaring in the fullness of God's promises.

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As Christians, we are called to be wise stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us. This stewardship extends beyond managing our day-to-day finances; it encompasses how we plan and prepare for the future, not just for ourselves, but for the generations that follow. Proverbs 13:22 reminds us, "A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous." In today’s world, one of the most practical ways to ensure a lasting inheritance is by building and maintaining strong credit. Credit is more than just a financial score—it’s a reflection of our commitment to honoring our obligations, managing our resources wisely, and positioning ourselves to seize opportunities that can create lasting wealth. Whether it’s purchasing a home, funding a child’s education, or starting a business, a strong credit foundation allows us to access the tools needed to build a secure financial future. But beyond the immediate benefits, building good credit is an essential step in creating a legacy of financial stability and blessing that can impact our families for generations. 

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When we as the church, focus on fulfilling the purpose of our calling and not the constant pursuit of our pleasures; when we, as the Church, realize our calling is to advance God's agenda and not our own, we will make a difference upon the earth and be unified as the Body of Christ. Our calling is according to Biblical Truth and not cultural conditions. Our calling is according to the divine dictates and not personal preference. Our calling is not to make friends with the world to create secular social clubs and call it the Church. Our calling is by the grace of God to reach as many souls as possible through as many Christ-centered means imaginable. Our calling is to create opportunities for relationship with God and with other people. Our calling is to make "disciples" who will follow Jesus, the Christ, and our Lord! Hear and Have Faith. CROSSING OVER : MOVING FROM COMPLACENCY TO COMMITMENT - Kindle edition by DEAN, APOSTLE KEVIN E.. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @

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This book is about discovering and recovering the discipline of fasting, the discipline commands the anointing.

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Selah E-Tips from the Father's Heart to Mine

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I am so excited to offer this program to your church! It is no secret that the unrest in unemployment and underemployment is the perfect problem for the church. The church can be a part of the solution in an undeniably strong way. Let me help you build your church membership, and your members income and influence through Workforce Development Truly the ministry of Employed is a Ministry of Helps. Uniting the church community and corporation to restore hope and erase and eradicate unemployment

In Acts 4:34. The church saw that there was not a needy person among them.

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This book is an invitation to embark on a journey of spiritual renewal. Through the lens of Scripture, we will explore the stronghold of pride, the symbolism of Leviathan, and the ways fasting equips us to overcome. You’ll find practical guidance, heartfelt prayers, and powerful declarations to help you humble yourself before God and walk in His victory. If you’ve ever felt spiritually stagnant, bound by pride, or distant from God, this book is for you. Together, let us seek the face of God, destroy the stronghold of pride, and step into the abundant life He has promised.

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The Word of God tells us, "A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children" (Proverbs 13:22). This is not just a call to accumulate material wealth; it is a divine mandate to build a lasting legacy, one that blesses generations long after we are gone. As Christians, we are called to be stewards of all that God has entrusted to us — our time, talents, resources, and influence. We are called to be like the oak tree, rooted deeply in God's promises, reaching upward to His purposes, and extending outward to bless others.  Imagine the humble acorn, a small, seemingly insignificant seed resting on the forest floor. At first glance, it appears fragile, easy to overlook, and without much potential. But within that acorn lies the capacity to grow into a mighty oak tree — a tree that stands tall and firm, with roots that dig deep into the earth and branches that stretch wide into the heavens. An oak tree does not reach its full potential overnight; it takes years, even decades, to mature. It weathers storms, endures harsh winters, and stands strong through the winds of life. Yet, through every trial, it remains steadfast, growing stronger and more deeply rooted with each passing season.

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