

December 14, 2023
I can honestly say that from the year 2016 - until 2021. I didn’t love myself to my full potential. I was searching for love in all the wrong places. I just wanted to have that feeling of someone truly loving me unconditionally.
September 28, 2023
Taleah was born a perfectly healthy baby.  However, during ante-natal, I had complications with pre-term labor at five months gestation and was hospitalized for three weeks, resulting in bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy.
May 24, 2023
MAY 15, 2022....I had some blood work done at 1 p m. Kaiser called me at 11:30pm and said, I was gravely ill with a hemoglobin of 4. #ButGod The doctor asked me if there was anyone who could bring me to the hospital. I said my husband is asleep and I don't want to wake him up he has to work in the morning.
February 5, 2023
My name is Author Julia Byas, founder and senior pastor of ITGWU worship center/Women of power Ministries/Servants working in Unity. God can use a broken woman to help other broken people to prevent or manifest victory. A place that would cause them to stand still, believing the lie and not fulfilling God’s call for their lives. Brokenness can be good, and being broken can also be bad, but I will tell you how. We use the utensils of His word with obedience.
January 6, 2023
I have been community service driven all my life. Growing up I knew a close church friend whose family went into a shelter. That day, I remember vividly talking to God. I said Lord, when you bless me to come into some money, I’m going to open a homeless shelter. Little did I know that some years later I too found myself, along with my five children, living in the homeless shelter.
By Dr. Yolanda “Yogie” Wade November 1, 2022
I had the privilege of interviewing this powerful woman of resilience and humility! A person with great accomplishments in the face of adversity and tragedy. Grounded in her faith in God and intentionally persevering in her God-given assignment. She is a testament to the word of God proceeding her “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Dr. Yolanda “Yogie” Wade is More than a Conqueror.
By Patrula Griffin July 31, 2022
Hello everyone. First giving honor to my Heavenly father, and to everyone of you. Our God is Awesome! First let me tell you a little bit about myself.  My name is Patrula Griffin. I am a wife, married to my wonderful husband, Mr. Bruce Griffin, a mother of 5 children and 14 grandchildren. I am also a psalmist and now an entrepreneur.
By Pastor Alfred Long July 1, 2022
I was born in Chicago, Illinois on July 14, 1952. My family and extended family lived at 204 E. 31st Street, at the intersection of 31st and Indiana, in the heart of the ghetto. I spent the first five years of my life there. We lived in a huge apartment building with a spacious backyard where all the children played. I have bittersweet memories of my childhood where alcohol played an enormous role in shaping my worldview. My sweet memories are those of every normal child growing up…playing outside games with friends, anticipating the thrills of Christmas mornings, infatuations with the cute girls in my classrooms, listening to Motown records and dreaming of making it “big” in whatever career I chose.
By Nathaniel Johnson June 16, 2022
Many remember this gentleman as Baby-Love, some called him Gangsta Love and others called him Bey Bey. His mother and family called him “Ricky”. After he reached the age of 27 he became a leader in the Moorish Science Temple of America and was called Butler-Bey. Glory to God he now has another name, new name, a name given to him by the Almighty God and that name is Saint! Minister Johnson is truly walking in his new name and proving it is absolutely true, that when God saves, delivers and makes you whole and firmly establishes you, truly the world will see, echo and declare as we have Minister Nathaniel Johnson is More than a Conqueror!
By Linda R. Galloway June 16, 2022
Have you ever heard the old adage, “don’t judge a book by its cover”. We have to be cognizant that one’s outward appearance is not always an indicator of the internal turbulence, subsequent victories and the continued process of working through some of the turbulences. Recently, I had a moment in which the light switch came on, during a conversation about my past, when it was stated that I did not look like what I’d been through. All Praise to God for “I Am More Than a Conqueror.”
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