Dan LoveKamp
Nobody needs to be told there isn't enough time. We're obsessed with our lengthening to-do lists,
overfilled with stuff, inboxes, worklife balance, and the never-ending battle against distraction. We are deluged with advice on how to be more productive and to use time more wisely. But most times, these ideas make things worse. Anxiety and a sense of anxiousness overwhelm us, and we miss the most meaningful parts of our life. So, for 2023 I am suggesting a challenge. How you can better use the time we have been blessed to receive.
First, we must address the fixation on getting everything done and focusing on the important things.
Second, we must take the responsibility of knowing that the choices we make are our own.
Third, we must become more intentional about what we truly desire in life and become committed to seeing those things happen.
Lastly, we must come to understand that some of the things we've always been doing are not getting us the results we desire. It's time to change our thinking. I remember one of my great mentors telling me his priorities: God, Family and Work. He was so passionate about the importance of these in that order. I admired that.
It began my journey of determining what those were for me. I am grateful to say I have committed to them, and my life changed exponentially. So, if your choice is to make 2023 the best year yet. To laugh more, love more, learn more, and to care more, then I suggest you begin by understanding this Henry Ford quote' "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right''.
The world outside only sees the top third of the iceberg (body of work you've accomplished), the other two-thirds are below the surface. Remember, it's the work you put in behind the scenes where it didn't seem that you were making progress but never wavered in your commitment, that makes the jump toward our goals possible, ask yourself, does the current behavior help me become the type of person I wish to be? Be accountable.
The process of behavior change begins with awareness. You need to be aware of your habits before you can change them.
If these things are important to you
> Getting More out of Life
> Lower levels of depression
> Better Health
> Better Coping Skills
> More Creativity
Begin with the end in mind. I believe in you.
Sparkman Articles
Marilyn Parker-Publisher-CEO Sparkman Magazine is a family-owned digital publication dedicated to serving the community and publishes articles to inspire and encourage. It is a Christian Publication seeking to serve resources and opportunities to empower our readers in successful living in life.
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