"Bible Trivia"
Pastor Jimmy and
Lady Jeri Prather
Liberty Christian Church’s Christian Education Dept is hosting its first Bible Trivia Night. Join us on Saturday, August 24, 2024, from 4-6pm at The Tango Center located at 212 E. Elm St., Alton, IL 62002 for fun, fellowship, food and a little bit of competition! Doors will open at 3pm to give you plenty of time to get settled before the Trivia starts. The top winning team, which each team consist of 4 members, will receive a cash prize! Prizes will also be awarded to the first & second runner ups! Registration is only $10.00 per person!! Limited VIP parking will be available onsite for a small nominal fee! There will also be plenty of free parking just a short walk across the street at the Alton Little Theater. Be on the lookout for some wonderful items in the Silent Auction, a boundless number of giveaways, along with a great lineup of vendors, and of course amazing food and beverages!
To give you a bit more details about our Trivia Night there will be 10 rounds and each round will have 10 questions. The question will be read out loud by the MC as well as presented on a large screen. The teams will have a limited amount of time to answer the question but after question 10 is read, you will have time to review your answers before the answer sheet is picked up by the runner. Each round of questions will be more difficult than the previous round. Don’t fret! You may purchase mulligans before the Trivia begins and use when you don’t know the answer to the question. But only one mulligan may be used per round so make sure to use it wisely.
Most Bible Trivia Nights focus on only one book of the Bible. We, on the other hand, will have questions from the whole entire Bible. Again, the questions will start off pretty easy and progressively get more difficult. Don’t worry, you have plenty of time to form your team and study. Each member of the first team to register at
will receive a nice prize.
See you on Saturday, August 24th!
Be ready to have loads of fun and let’s see who will walk away with the bragging rights “Bible Trivia Winner!”
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