Having It All
Marquita Chanel
When I was approached to write this article I was completely thrown off. I was asked to write an article on the subject of “Having it all and maintaining it”. I began to think, “How can I write about having it all?” I don’t have it all! When I look at myself I see someone that is blessed by God, but having it all, not so much. I know that the little that I do have is because of God. Without him I know I would not be where I am.
I am truly grateful that God has blessed me with parents that love me and took care of me, a husband, friends and family, Boots (my dog), home, career, businesses, and even some material things. If this is what it means to have it all, well then I guess I do. But one thing I do know, none of this means anything without God.
Having this mindset is how I stay blessed. I keep my life in its proper perspective. I know that God is the only reason why I could “have it all.” I also know that if I ever started to act like I made it on my own, pride would lead to my destruction. The same goes for you. The bible says in Proverbs 16:18, ”Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” I am not trying to go through that! I am sure you don’t want that either! Ain’t nobody got time for that!
So while we are chasing our dreams and living our best lives let’s make sure that we keep God first. Many people have great riches and are miserable! Ask me how I know? There was a time that I thought buying things would make me happy. It did for a moment but when the thrill was gone, it was gone! Why do you think there have been so many celebrity suicides? Nothing can fill a God-sized hole in your life, but God. People chase money, status, power, and fame yet they are unsatisfied. This does not have to be us. We know the truth. If we seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness first, all of these things will be added to our lives. (Matthew 6:33) God wants to give us great things, tangible and intangible! God wants us to live abundant lives on this side of Heaven, but we have to put him first, if not we are lost. A life of luxury is meaningless especially if we die and spend an eternity in torment without God. If you don’t have a personal relationship with God that brings about true change in your life, I don’t care what materials you have, you still have nothing.
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26
With love,
Marquita Chanel
Sparkman Articles
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