"I Call Her A Young Miracle "
Dr. Denizela' R. Dorsey"
Granted permission to share I call her a young miracle. Her story will bless you. When I met her and her family, her school district had already labeled her with a learning disability and said she was unable to read. Her mother and father refused to accept the label. She was receiving SSD services only & reading at a 1st grade level. Her family hired me and committed to the process. Due to severity, she and I met twice weekly for 1 hour. Today this young butterfly was tested out of her School District Reading Requirements. She has no educational label & now reads on College Freshmen level. Her school district asked her parents to tell them what that lady did… well here it.
The human brain can be reprogrammed, that is how God created it. I used psycho educational methods that I learned at the Menninger’s Clinic and my neuroscience classes at KU and watched God perform a life changing miracle. Today, no behavioral issues, no labels, all A’s, and a bonified reading & comprehension machine. Please note this new Guided Reading Method does not work for all kids.
Dr. Denizela' R. Dorsey
Crossing Community STL County
3020 N. Lindbergh 63074
(314) 395-1308
Email: d.denizela@gmail.com
Website: crossingcommunitystl.com
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