2 Corinthians 3:5-6
Dr. Leonard Robinson
What is the New Testament without the King, the Kingdom, the Blood, the Cross, Redemption, Salvation, Restoration, and the Crown? What is the New Testament without the Covenant, the Fruit, the Gifts, Grace, Mercy, Truth, and Power? What is the New Testament without Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost? What is the New Testament without Faith, Faithfulness, and Truth? What is the New Testament without the provision of the King for a people who are submitted to His reign? What is the New Testament if it is not about One Nation, A Holy Nation, both Jew and Gentile Made One in Christ Jesus? What is the New Testament without Dominion over our flesh, over sin, the devil, and our circumstances as we live life in the Spirit? What is the New Testament without the Glory of God being made manifest? What is the New Testament without Jesus being King of Kings and Lord of Lords? What is the New Testament without Jesus returning to Rule and Reign, having received us up to heaven and returning with us to earth again? What is the New Testament without Holiness, that no man will see God? What is the New Testament without Healing and Deliverance? What is the New Testament without Sanctification? What is the New Testament without Transformation? What is the New Testament without Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers, equipping the saints for Kingdom living and global evangelism as we carry the same message Jesus and His disciples preached? What is the New Testament without Bishops, Deacons, and Elders who know the Kingdom message Jesus came and preached, lived for, died for, and called all to go to all the ends of the world serving in the ministry and Word of reconciliation? What is the New Testament without Husbands who love their Wives and Children who submit to their Parents? What is the New Testament without the Authority of the Scriptures that Teach us how to live and how to Represent the King and His Kingdom as Ambassadors who are also Sons and Daughters of the Most High God? What is the New Testament if it is not about the Blood of the Covenant that has made both Jew and Gentile one Nation of Kingly Priests, who are a Royal Priesthood and Holy Nation, having been washed from our sins and brought into the Royal Family?
We are to be able ministers of the New Testament, not the Old Testament concepts of the priesthood or the practices and protocols of a Jewish nation. We are to adopt the principles and practices of being obedient to the commandments of our King. Yet, we live as neither being the circumcision nor uncircumcision, but as those who have been made free by the plan of God hidden in the New Covenant that gave us a better hope, Christ in us—the Hope of Glory!
What is the New Testament? It is not about apostolic lording over the flock of God. The New Testament is not about private Kingdom building? The New Testament is not about schisms in the Body; that’s the result of a lack of understanding of purpose and identity in the Lord, who brings Jew and Gentile together in One Body.
The New Testament is not about developing ministry as a business or brand to find your place in the marketplace of ministry—all vying for the same Christian audience. The New Testament is not about a people who are all right in their own eyes.
The New Testament, as is the Old Testament, is about a King, His Kingdom, and His Royal family. The New Testament is not about the religious practices of this group over that group or a returning to anything other than returning to God’s original purpose for man. That man would be RESTORED to what Adam lost, so man again would have DOMINION over his circumstances and would REIGN with Christ in this life as we’ve been made HEIRS of the COVENANT of PROMISE.
You cannot be an ABLE MINISTER OF THE NEW TESTAMENT if you do not understand you are now HEIRS with Christ. JOINT HEIRS with God and the SAINTS who are the HOUSEHOLD OF GOD and that GOD IS YOUR FATHER!
Are you an able minister of the New Testament? Are you preaching and teaching the same Kingdom message Jesus preached, taught, and demonstrated, the same message He delegated to His disciples to carry throughout the world as a witness to every nation that He would return? Are you training and equipping the saints to do the same, according to Ephesians 4:12?
Are you teaching the Kingdom of God, the only message that unites all under Christ as He is in His rightful place as King of kings and Lord of lords? As an able minister of the New Testament, are you renewing your mind to the truth and work of the HOLY SPIRIT who is the GOVERNOR of the Kingdom of God on earth today?
Every APOSTLE, PROPHET, EVANGELIST, PASTOR, AND TEACHER must be highly developed in the knowledge of the Kingdom of God, its keys, principles, practices, and protocols to properly represent the New Testament.
The KINGDOM IS ALIVE as RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, and JOY in the HOLY GHOST. And it produces for us daily as we are alive to the truth of all that the KING and the KINGDOM is.
[ABLE] MINISTERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT understand and agree to these truths, having the knowledge that has been set forth by the FATHER through HIS SON and THE HOLY SPIRIT.
To fight these truths is to fight being made to be an ABLE MINISTERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT.
What is the New Testament?
Religion teaches that the central theme of the New Testament is salvation. However, under closer examination, the central theme is the Kingdom of God, and salvation is the means of seeing and experiencing the Kingdom now and eternal. You and I, having overcome by the grace of God, every sin and the deception of the enemy who would seek to distract and detour us from submitting to the activity of God’s royal rule, order, and the act of reigning in our lives—moment to moment, day to day.
What is the New Testament?
It is the last will, the last covenant of a King to the inhabitants of the earth, who have voluntarily joined themselves to Him, having repented from their deeds—including religious deeds, having submitted to His way of doing and being right, who are now entitled to all that God has willed for His creation.
What is the New Testament?
It is the unfolding of the mystery and majesty of the King and His Kingdom to a people He’s chosen for Himself, who have been restored to His image and likeness, His imprint, through the Blood of the Covenant that washed us from our sins and made us to be a nation of kingly priest, a royal priesthood who walk in the God-kind of righteousness, living according to the God-kind of love that makes the God-kind of faith work as we live the God-kind of life that the Father sent Jesus to give us through the Gift of Righteousness.
Are you an able minister of the New Testament, or are you off preaching apostate, profiting lies off people coming into their season and divine destiny because you are inspired by your favorite apostles and prophets who all tell the same lies, having not been trained to be ABLE MINISTERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT?
Today, the Lord says, “No longer allow yourself to be tossed—to and for—with every wind of doctrine but return to My covenant of love for My creation. Receive again the engrafted Word with Meekness, which will enable you to save your soul. Walk in the truth of My Testament established for you through the blood of My Son and know that I’ve loved you and do love you with everlasting love. Only be quick to repent and receive the fullness of what I purposed for you from the beginning, and that is that you would be restored to My image and likeness again that as objects of My love, you would rule and reign with Christ in this life and in that to come.”
You must be ABLE MINISTERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, or all you are and have become—are ministers after the myriads of ideas of religious men and women who were never taught to make God’s Kingdom and righteousness their number one priority. Recover yourself from the blind who have led the blind. No more ditch ministries. What is the New Testament? It is the will of the King for Kingdom people and the pronouncement of judgment against all who disobey God’s Kingdom mandate for humanity. The same King who sent Jesus as King because of His love for us is also the same King who sent Jesus to judge those who would disobey Him. The Bible is about a King, His Kingdom, and His Royal Family.
Apostle Leonard Robinson-
Kingdom Vision Ministries International-
School of The Kingdom,
6101 Limekiln Pike-
Philadelphia, PA 19141
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