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“More Than A Conqueror"

Saved To Serve

Calandra Devona Flanigan


 I have been community service driven all my life. Growing up I knew a close church friend whose family went into a shelter. That day, I remember vividly talking to God. I said Lord, when you bless me to come into some money, I’m going to open a homeless shelter. Little did I know that some years later I too found myself, along with my five children, living in the homeless shelter.


  That experience allowed me to grow and see firsthand, the ends, outs, struggles and lack of resources that were available to people trying to survive. Motivated to come out of my undesirable state of being, I took advantage of the few programs available to aid people like me.


  Overtime, the Lord blessed me with a job and a place for my family and I to live.

Soon thereafter I bought a vehicle. I am grateful for where the Lord brought me from and where he is leading me. I have always been active in church and after a period moved into leadership roles. I know I have been called to serve in Community service.


  I organized several community outreach events, such as “Seeing the Love of Jesus”. At this event we collected eyeglasses to be refurbished and distributed to people who needed eyewear. Another outreach event I oversaw was “Purses with a Purpose”. We collected purses and hygiene items. We would fill the purses with the items and then we distributed them to homeless women in several communities in downtown St. Louis. We also visited nursing homes throughout the metropolitan area. In addition to that, I was the coordinator for the “Joy to the World… “Sisters Serving Families in the Community” outreach event. This was a Christmas event, where we provided nearly 100 families with gifts, gift cards for food, supplies, resources, and a holiday photo with their families.


   As of the last three years, a dream I had over 10 years ago, began to move to the forefront of my heart and mind. I soon found myself longing to go to Africa. October 2022, I was afforded the opportunity to go to Liberia West Coast Africa for mission work.

No words can truly express the overwhelming confirmation that consumed me knowing I was where I was destined.

   Each day in Liberia I oversaw the organizing and distribution of clothes, toiletries, and hygiene items. My soul was thoroughly satisfied hearing the people say, “Thank you for being here”. Or having someone ask, “if they could hug me?”, brought such joy and happiness to my life. It was disappointing at the close of each day to know there was someone still in need.

   There are so many things we who live in the states can obtain with little delay.

We have healthcare, free educational systems, water, trash, and sewer services, food programs and various amenities just about everywhere we turn. We are an efficient, thriving, and fortunate nation. It is our duty to relieve human suffering as best we can.

I now know without a shadow of a doubt my purpose in life.

I want to fulfill it to the best of my ability.

I left Liberia forever changed. I know it is because of Christ Jesus that I live, move, and have my being. I have been saved to serve and I have been made More Than a Conqueror through Christ Jesus!

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