"More Than A Conqueror"
Stephanie Fitch
Being Fabulous @ Forty; a time of reflection. Looking back over my life, I now appreciate my Christian upbringing. I can remember a time ~ if I wasn't going to church, I was coming from church, by way of my mother (Delores Evans) or grandmother (Mother Hattie Conaway). If that wasn't enough church; when I would go to school each morning, I had to hear my preschool teacher (Bishop Tony Lane) talking about the bible.
With all that teaching, you would have thought I would have had enough sense not to fight at vacation bible school. I can recall (Bishop Arthur L Kelley) whooping me and the girl involved in the fight. By the time I was 18 years old, I was a mother, and a newlywed. Divorced by the age of 24, I was now a single parent raising my daughter (Britney Robinson). At this point in my life, I knew there was something missing; however I was too busy in the clubs trying to fill a void. All of this left me filled with optical illusions, which landed me right back where I started, 'Ground Zero.' If it wasn't for a spirit filled mother and grandmother, praying for me, I don't want to imagine where I would be.
Who would have thought; my mother dragging my siblings and me to church on Sundays would provide the protection needed during my periods of wilderness; and now, those same teachings are now sustaining me in my latter years. I have passed those same teachings on to my daughter, and now that she is a young adult, I can see how my prayers have provided coverage for her. Through all my many trials and tribulations, I've
faced, I want the world to know that God's grace and mercy has kept me.
To the young mothers who may read my story, know that God can do all things but fail. I'm eternally grateful! The bonus is that I'm still here, willing and able to do God's work under the leadership of (Pastor Steven G Thompson) where we don't look like what we've been through!!!!
This is only because its beauty from the inside out! I am now 54 and I’m still a member of the New Leonard Missionary Baptist Church I’ve watched our Arch Bishop Steven G Thompson Sr pass the torch to his son Pastor Steven G Thompson ll what an amazing eventful time. I can truly say that God has truly been Faithful, He’s kept me, He’s taught me and the Best is yet to come, just you wait and see.
Thanks be unto God who has given all of us the Victory.
'I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me'.... Philippians 4:13
That's the real way to be Fabulous @ Forty
Stephanie Fitch
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