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Nathaniel Johnson is



Many remember this gentleman as Baby-Love, some called him Gangsta Love and others called him Bey Bey. His mother and family called him “Ricky”.  After he reached the age of 27 he became a leader in the Moorish Science Temple of America and was called Butler-Bey. Glory to God he now has another name, new name, a name given to him by the Almighty God and that name is Saint! Minister Johnson is truly walking in his new name and proving it is absolutely true, that when God saves, delivers and makes you whole and firmly establishes you, truly the world will see, echo and declare as we have Minister Nathaniel Johnson is More than a Conqueror! 


I would like to share his testimony with you showing Gods saving power and the mercy of God that is extended toward us, while we are yet sinners, giving us the opportunity to become and be called a Saint! Truly if it was not for the grace of God, Nathaniel boast he would not even be alive! Thank God for Jesus 

Nathaniel Johnson grew up in North St. Louis with his mom, Barbara Johnson Butler, nine sisters and two brothers. He had another sibling, which was born stillborn. He recalls growing up very poor. He says most of the women in the neighborhood were on welfare (called “relief” at that time). His mother received the government cheese peanut butter and spam but she knew how to work with it and make delicious meals, especially with the cheese. He gleams whenever he mentions his mom, who is now deceased, for you see, he was very close to his mom. If you meet him today and mention his mom that smile permeates where you meet.

This very strong bond he had with his mom caused him to feel a strong sense of responsibility for his mother and siblings. At the very tender age of nine he felt he needed to do something to bring food and finances into the home. This was a time when many other boys in the neighborhood felt the same way and they all got together and became gang members. Now this gang considered themselves to be different from the gangs of today, they felt they had a real reason. Their reason for primarily stealing was to survive. From the age of nine to eleven Nathaniel stayed in detention. By the age of 11 he was sent to Missouri Reform School. This action really did not help him reform but instead further orchestrated and fueled his life of crime. Corruption, drugs and violence became his way of life. What started off as a means to help his family, especially his mom led him on a path of destruction. It became impossible not to become addicted to the money, clothes and women this lifestyle afforded him. He first began smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol at the age of 13 and then from 1960-1974 he was a heroin addict, and yes his drug tour would eventually lead him to crack cocaine. Pimping, playing, hustling and stealing were the only way of life he knew until he eventually paid dearly for the path he chose. He was institutionalized from 1962-1988.  For over 26 years he was in and out of prison. In the midst of his criminal lifestyle he married his wife Cynthia Johnson in 1973. In 1974 he was sentenced to 35 years and life in the penitentiary. This sentence caused him to be away from his wife a real long time, this time. This separation lead to divorce. It was during his last 18 years he was in prison that he became a Moorish Science Muslim and a sheik ( a leader). Later he went before the parole board and was granted parole! Glory to God! Parole was extremely unusual considering a sentence such as the one he had received, but God had a Divine plan for his life. Minister Johnson glows when he speaks of the scripture “while we were yet sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).  After he was released God reunited him with his wife, Cynthia Johnson. He was still a part of the Moorish Science Temple, but not his family. His mother and siblings were Christians.. His wife was also a Christian and would not attend the temple with him. Minister Johnson soon left the temple when conflict broke out there.

After leaving the temple, he found himself lost and wandering. He decided to go to church with his wife one Sunday Morning. She did not have a church home but would visit different churches because she was searching for one, today they would visit Abundant Life Fellowship. Church. Dr. Mathew Ferguson is pastor and Mother Vashti Ferguson is First Lady.  There was only standing room in the foyer when they arrived, his wife did not want to stand she left but he stayed and she came back and picked him up. In between that time “Nathaniel had given his life to the Lord and joined!”. Even with joining he continued getting high and continued in his bondage of idolatry. One day Mother Ferguson prophesied to him that God would use him in a mighty way…suddenly he began to change. God fully delivered him from the shackles of sin and later called him into ministry.. Minister Nathaniel Johnson is a licensed and ordained Minister serves in his church as the Director and facilitator of the drug and AAA program. He serves our community with a worker-re-entry program for ex-offenders. He has been married to his lovely wife for 31 years altogether, and he has 7 children and 11 grandchildren. He is proud of his family always remembering the sacrifices his mom made for him, and forever grateful before she went to be with the Lord she saw him saved and living a holy life before God and man! His “good thang” he calls his wife is the reason he has such great favor and he often says to God be all the glory for what He has done in my life.. 

You must agree Nathaniel Johnson is More than a Conqueror!

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