November Is Coming
Dr. Leonard Robinson
The question was asked, What Should Christians Think About Trump, at the Religious Broadcasters Convention 2024?
My answer:
When you equate Paul, Jesus, and John the Baptist as saying some "mean things" and equating that with the mean things that Donald Trump says you are engaging in a misapplication of proper exegesis to support one's political position.
Why don't we share that Proverbs 12:22 says, "All liars are an abomination to God."
Why use the argument that there were Christian presidents who weren't good and that it is not about personalities but policies?
In 2024 let's do an interview on Trump's broad policies aimed at marginalizing immigrants, homophobia, and neofascism, and nationalism.
Does anyone realize that God is A-political? He's no respecter of persons and therefore not Republican or Democrat and no nation can be under God that is not a Born Again nation?
Why didn't Jesus push back against Herod's evil but instead establish the Kingdom of God in the hearts and minds of believers?
Abortion is not the only issue with God. Homosexuality is not the only issue with God. But evangelicalism has "selective outrage" that at best is disingenuous and at worse is outright deceptive.
God is a globalist, not a nationalist. When we miss that the majority of the forefathers were not Christians, they were Masons, even some were Atheists and Diest and we understand that, if need be, then being killed for our faith means not to stand against the governments of men but dying for the cause of Christ while the government takes your Bibles and guns if that becomes the result.
We act like God is losing America to the Devil, but scripture reveals that Jesus already taught what the end will be and it's as though the people are fighting against what Jesus prophesied and making Jesus into a liar. Matthew 24:2-14.
Truth is that we should be more focused on getting Trump saved for real, or we are only showing our religious selfishness at the risk of Trump's eternal life.
If the former President Trump was to suddenly die during a speech his blood could be on the hands of every evangelical who was more concerned with political power than with the soul of one man who is perceived as having power. Suppose the spiritual leaders around him are only content that he watches Christian television and seems to have done more for Christianity by some people's estimation. Still, you are not concerned with his soul and are not reproving and rebuking him for the unrighteousness of lying, and yet you have access to him and are in his counsel? In that case, you are not a friend of God, you are a political opportunist who is no better than the apostle Paul when he was Saul. You think that you are serving the cause of Christ, but you are really serving in a self-righteousness thinking that God is pleased with the former President in the persistent sin he commits by lying incessantly.
Is it not true that anyone who is ruled by lies, their father is the Devil?
Instead of using biblical themes and political philosophy, we need real Bible doctrine and great theologians seem to have thrown the Bible away in a quest for imaginary political power.
What did Jesus preach about the righteousness of the Pharisees? What did Jesus say about loving our enemies and what did Jesus say about the Kingdom of God present and eternal to come and what it will take to enter in, in His own words?
Whenever the truth becomes half-truth then the truth becomes a lie, no more truthful than Truth Social, and we know that the owner of Truth Social is under the father of lies.
Think about it, before you complain about what I am saying. Evangelicalism, even nationalism, the New Apostolic Reformation with its adherents Dutch Sheets, Lance Walnau, Bill Johnson, and televangelist Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis and others seems to have developed selective outrage. Many side with the enemy we are supposed to be defeating on every hand. And now leaders are actually leading to please men and political ideologies.
John the Apostle said that "No lie comes from the truth." Let's return back to Jesus doctrine of the Kingdom, humbling ourselves as children, that we would become converted and able to enter into the eternal Kingdom on Jesus terms, which we find in Hebrews 5:9. Let's obey Jesus doctrine saints.
It may very well be that you can't vote for anyone, but whatever you do, don't mistakenly believe that God is such a respecter of person that He is more concerned about the moral condition of an America that is yet unredeemed than He being interested in salvation for every man.
You cannot legislate righteousness, nor are we to live in fear of the end times. Instead, we are supposed to live by faith, preach the gospel of the Kingdom and salvation through Jesus Christ, and we are to meet the needs of those who have less than we have, and we are to remember the strangers in our midst, as well as care for the fatherless and widows and those who are in prison as caring for Jesus' brothers. Now my aim is not to convince you of Biden or anyone as the next President. My aim is to help you to not lie to yourself about what Christian nationalism really is and it's relative misuse of scripture to justify neofascism. Come let us reason together.
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