Pastor Alfred Long Presents
"The Testimony Of Billy"
“My name is Billy Meier, born on March 17, 1969, in Torrance, California. After my parents’ divorce when I was eight, my mother moved my two brothers and me to Vancouver, Washington. I began experimenting with alcohol and drugs at twelve and faced my first incarceration at fourteen. Sadly, I spent over thirty years of my life in incarceration. At twenty-two, while in maximum security prison, I was assaulted, a traumatic event I have since forgiven and taken positive steps to move forward.
Despite suffering a forty-year meth addiction, I have been sober for 33 months by God’s grace. I’m currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a Human Services concentration, maintaining a 4.0 GPA after thirty-eight years away from education. Since August 2024, I’ve been attending Reach KC Church, where I also serve in the children’s ministry.
Recently, while visiting St. Charles, Missouri, to address some legal matters, I was present during a SWAT raid at my brother’s house. Although unrelated to the incident, I helped calm the situation and prayed with the officers, who recognized the positive changes in me.
My journey exemplifies that God looks for the broken to transform them. If He can renew my life after decades of addiction and incarceration, He can do the same for anyone. I encourage those still struggling to surrender to Jesus to take that leap of faith and trust in Him, as tomorrow is never promised.
Keep Billy in your prayers for continued re-entry success.
Pastor Alfred Long Sr. is available to help churches and other organizations start prison ministries. He has forty-seven years of experience ministering in our statewide correctional facilities.
You can reach him at:
(314) 283-9052
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