OR LONGING? – Part One
Dr. Dorothy J. Haire
Many baby boomers, millennials, Gen Z, and older adults (18 years old to 89+ years old men and women) experience chronic loneliness. Some causes given for chronic loneliness are working long hours (in and out of the home); being overtasked with classes and homework; no or few senior visits, and three to four hours of daily social media.
Chronic loneliness is one of the factors attributed to an increase in health risks: such as heart disease, stroke, weakened immune system, obesity, inflammation, long-term disability, depression, anxiety, premature death, and dementia. Economic status, geographical location, number of educational degrees, career position, or marital status do not seem to alleviate chronic loneliness; but can exacerbate it.
But how could this be? People are talking and laughing at church, at family gatherings, and at social events. Single friends spatially separated communicate via technology. So how is it possible so many people are experiencing chronic lonely?
Could it be that people are not chronically lonely but are spiritually longing?
By spiritual longing, I mean a deep heart’s desire to communicate with someone to come clean to; tell your darkest secrets to; share your wildest dreams with - without fear of gossip or judgment. Spiritual longing is an inner hunger and thirst that no one on earth can satisfy.
But, I know someone. Here is the beginning of a song King David wrote about Him (Psalm 139:1-4a):
O Eternal One, You have explored my heart and know exactly who I am;
2 You even know the small details like when I take a seat and when I stand up again.
Even when I am far away, You know what I’m thinking.
3 You observe my wanderings and my sleeping, my waking and my dreaming,
and You know everything I do in more detail than even I know.
4 You know what I’m going to say long before I say it. (The Voice)
Good news! If you now recognize that you are experiencing spiritual longing but are not a Christian, and want someone who knows you this intimately, pray this prayer with all of your heart:
Dear Lord Jesus, I have tried to live my life without you. I am so lonely and long for the relationship David sang about. I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I invite You to come into my heart and life as my Lord and Savior. Amen
You are now a Christian and have a personal relationship with God, the first step to alleviating chronic loneliness and spiritual longing. Unfortunately, some Christians still experience spiritual longing because they have not learned about all their spiritual benefits. In part two of this series, I will share how all Christians can enjoy a rich fellowship with the Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ so that spiritual loneliness never has to be experienced again.
Let’s talk again next month.
Dorothy J. Haire
Pastor, Speaker, Teacher, Writer
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