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"The Five Personality Types Of Imposter Syndrome "

Denizela R. Dosey


Society puts a lot of pressure on families and individuals to be constantly "on." Make sure you are working to stay healthy and balanced. Understand the five personality types of imposter syndrome and how the brain can distort your relationship with yourself and others. The brain can create a pattern of doubts, anxieties, and depression, causing one to believe you are not competent or good enough to experience healthy and good things.

1. The Perfectionist Personality: The brain develops a fantasy or ideal of how something is done exceptionally. The brain creates a standard accompanied by an inner critic or self-doubt. Sometimes, the perfectionist can impose those same unrealistic standards on family members and spouses. This imposition creates problems and unreasonable dynamics for the family. The perfectionist can become accustomed to being overly prepared and overly demanding with unrealistic standards and heightened drive.

a.)  This person always places the highest & unrealistic standards on themselves and others.

b.)  Often, the perfectionist is accused of being a micromanager.

c.)  Even when accomplishing a project, the perfectionist is never found good enough; you kick yourself because you overlooked one minor detail.

d.)  You never settle for less than gold; anything else good is seen as a failure.

2. The Natural Genius believes that perfect intelligence must be inherited from a family member. The brain compares and believes that intelligent people have limited shortcomings. The Natural genius sets the bar extremely high and aims to excel in all efforts. The genius often looks at others through a critical lens of comparison.

a.) They judge that people can be born talented or skilled.

b.) They get frustrated and easily jump from their career when they sense failure.

c.) They see everyone around them as achieving success while they are the only ones failing.

3. The superperson (the superman or superwoman) aims to juggle all things to do everything all the time effortlessly. They will not ask for help.

a.) The superman or superwoman manages multiple tasks at once: work, chores, school, side business. You often work overtime, even past your regular working hours. You neglect your friends, family, or hobbies to work more.

4. The expert evaluates everything on how much knowledge everyone possesses. The expert needs to know every detail.

. The individualist seeks to do everything as a solo; I don't need help. The soloist can sometimes isolate and feel overwhelmed due to the need to accomplish things alone.

Dr. Denizela' R. Dorsey

Crossing Community STL County

3020 N. Lindbergh 63074

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