Apostle David A. Rodgers
John 14:26- “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.”
In over 2000 years of the history of Christianity on planet Earth, much of its foundational doctrines, principles, and theology have been replaced with secular humanism or just ignored altogether. One of those invaluable principles is that of discipleship. Discipleship was the primary focus of the Great Commission, given by Jesus Christ to the church. Soul-winning, married to strong discipleship was the strategy that propelled the church to grow and thrive despite centuries of persecution. However, this strategy is a scarce commodity in most churches today. According to Barna.org, a Christian Research Company, less than 7% of churches in the world today have a structured, strategic discipleship system woven into the fabric of their church. This simply means that 93% of Christians worldwide are partially or completely ignorant of the scriptures and incompetent in the skills of preaching, teaching, praying, and disciplining the next generation of Christians.
Hosea 4:6- “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”
Ignorance is an enemy of your destiny. Allowing yourself to be taught and trained is directly connected to how far you elevate your life. Anyone in leadership in the church must be discipled first. You can’t lead people into a realm you haven’t entered yourself. As the world systems have dramatically changed with the inception of the internet and artificial intelligence, it is imperative that we do not forget nor neglect the pillars of education. The first textbook in the public schools of America was the Holy Bible. GOD is intelligent and has sent His Spirit to function as a teacher in the lives of His children. The Ivy League Colleges were started by many different Protestant Church denominations. Almost all of the universities in America and England were founded by religious institutions and leaders. The rich history of Christianity in the fields of science, music, reading, writing, and technology is well documented. It is imperative that the Saints of GOD recommit to our heritage in education and ensure that the next generation is educated and discipled to be the voices of tomorrow.
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