"The State Of Celebration"
Pastors Ricky & Sheila Floyd
The state of celebration is a place where all couples should thrive and aim to be. It is a place of love, honor, respect, agreement, and unity. It's where you not only want to see each other succeed, but you enjoy the journey of doing it together by supporting each CELEBRATION other. However, we must be awarethat this is the state that Satan hates and he will quickly come to steal, kill, and destroy the celebration in your marriage.
Then there is the roommate state. This is the state where you get consumed by bills, babies, and business transactions, spending very little time, energy, love, and quality time with each other. This is where you form a routine that has taken you out of the celebration state.
Next is the hell-mate state. This is the state where the spirit of offense, anger, anxiety, tension, and stress has become the new norm. This is where one or both get to the point where they may hate coming home because it feels like they have entered into hell on earth by facing fiery attitudes.
Then there is the jailbate state. This is where your house becomes your jail and your spouse becomes the warden. They feel like they are living with someone imposing restrictions, rules, regulations, and demands on you that make you feel like no grown person should have to feel. In the jailbate state, couples deal with violence, fraud, lying, affairs, and embarrassment. They experience a sense of hopelessness in God for their marriage. In the jailbait state, frustration mounts high and tensions in the house can lead to homicidal and suicidal thoughts. In the jailbait state, a person can reach a breaking point where they can't bear it any longer. They feel as though the enemy has turned their house into a prison.
Where are you and what are you going to do if your marriage is not in the celebration state? Here are some steps to take if you are not currently in the celebration state.
Step 1, REPENT for allowing it to get that way.
Step 2, RETRAIN yourself through education and wise counsel.
Step 3, REPAIR any damage that you have done.
Step 4, MAKE REPARATIONS by providing assistance to aid the wronged spouse.
Then finally,
Step 5, REAP THE REWARDS of being a celebrator and being celebrated by your restored spouse.
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