"What Do You Want To Be
When You Grow Up"
Amilia Aida
You might be rolling your eyes right now and thinking, “I’m already all grown up…” but I encourage you to look deep into your heart and search through all of the files in your brain. Maybe you want to finish college; perhaps you just want to keep a house and be a homeowner. Maybe you want to get out of your apartment and live a little. Whatever it is, maybe you should just go for it!
The other day, I watched a documentary called To Dye For It, which was about what synthetic dyes can do to a child’s body - particularly the brain. The family that created the documentary saved their money for years to produce this movie. When it was premiered, synthetic food dyes were banned from the United States the following day, which should have been banned a long time ago. But the fact that it took years to make that movie is what makes this story amazing.
Your dreams, however, do not have to take years! All you have to do is put your mind to it. After all, God made us humans pretty amazing, too, and if we think we can do almost anything, imagine what God knows we can do. Jeremiah 29:11… “For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future!”
God knows you—every inch of you and has detailed out your beginning all the way to the ending. So, are you going to “go for it” and open the door to your future? The choice is yours to make.
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