"What Is Happening"
Apostle David Rodgers
On February 28th, THE BOYCOTT launched a ONE-DAY FINANCIAL BOYCOTT against companies who removed DEI (DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION) from their CORPORATE STRUCTURE.
The consequences of the Boycott caused corporations like TARGET to lose almost 8% of their foot and online traffic, and WALMART lost 5% of their customers. Still, a bigger impact of the BOYCOTT movement is the recent multicultural organizations that are springing up around the country that support and commit to decentralizing their financial spending to community-based stores.
Detractors THOUGHT that the BOYCOTT was a BLACK PEOPLE movement! However, it is clear from the numbers that people across the racial spectrum have jumped on board and have refused to support these multi-billion dollar corporations that don’t neglect DIVERSITY, EQUITY, and INCLUSION as essential pillars in their corporate culture.
More boycotting is planned for the spring season. As these splinter organizations continue to organize, strategize, and mobilize their forces and redirect millions of dollars to community retailers and stores, the power shift will be felt. The emergence of new stores with diverse and inclusive cultures will grow, and those who oppose diversity will eventually disappear!
People are tired of being taken advantage of. People are tired of supporting racist corporations that lack any moral backbone. The cross-pollination of communities in terms of business processes, funding sources, and growth strategies is taking place every day.
There is an abundance of ZOOM and GOOGLE CLASS MEETINGS with excited people who are joining forces to build new economic opportunities. The BILLION DOLLAR BOY’s CLUB is in trouble. They had the opportunity to stand for JUSTICE, and they didn’t! They had the opportunity to stand for their LOYAL CUSTOMERS of every stripe, but they didn’t!
There will be a long-term price to pay for their cowardice. There is a serious reckoning coming to this nation! For all of its hatred, racism, and classism, the PEOPLE are no longer accepting it as a norm!
People who are being laid off illegally to VETERANS who are having their benefits ripped off, all the way to people who couldn’t get hired because of the color of their skin, sexual identity, or cultural background, are coming together to form a force.
The enemies of justice are in trouble! There will be some difficult days ahead, but AMERICA is finally seeing it for what it is and standing together! Perhaps, just maybe, AMERICA will live out its creed that says ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!
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