"Your Real
Kingdom Identity"
Apostle David Rodgers
In 2007, GOD shifted me into the ministry of helping people to establish their REAL KINGDOM IDENTITY. MISIDENTIFICATION is the primary cause of people not walking in the authority and power conveyed to them through the Holy Spirit! Spiritual masks are developed and perpetrated to the detriment of deep introspection, correction and repentance from dead works. Severing the ties of personal ignorance and waking one to their real kingdom identity is extremely difficult but necessary work.
1. EXAGGERATED SELF IMPORTANCE: When a person exaggerates their own self importance and postures themselves as THE ONLY ONE, with revelation, knowledge, skill or insight, they are masking deep seated rejection, abuse and identity issues. This is where people who ASSUME a Five Fold Ministry “title” feed their lust for importance. The “title” further exacerbates their need to feel “powerful” because their definition of IDENTITY is tied to POWER because at some point in their life, they were VIOLATED and made to feel POWERLESS! To disconnect their identity from the trauma and abuse, they CREATE a CHARACTER who is POWERFUL, IN CONTROL and AUTHORITATIVE. Their brash and condescending persona is used as a SHIELD to prevent people from truly seeing them for WHO THEY ARE. Deliverance and therapy will have to work simultaneously to bring them to wholeness!
2. LACK OF COVENANT CONSCIOUSNESS: A misidentified person will always lack a COVENANT CONSCIOUSNESS. Their assessment of relationship will always be filtered through how THEY are elevated, placed in position of authority and allowed to exercise their dysfunction under the guise of LEADERSHIP. They are convinced that they have all the answers and that the organization is nothing without them. The misidentified USES people, organizations, and support from others to feed their own agenda! They are never truly connected to COMMUNITY. They are horribly narcissistic and never see others as a part of their life! They only see people as a means to an end, which if questioned, they can’t really identify! They don’t know how to love or to receive love and only see people as problems who stand in the way of their greatness! Dictators and abusers fall into this category.
Apostle David Rodgers
New Vision Ministry of Faith
Chicago, Illinois
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