A message to jobseekers that have been in the job search for quite a while. I know it is very frustrating and quite frankly, exhausting! I wish there was a magic wand I could cast so you didn't have to continue going through the torment! That being said I would like to offer some pointers in the process:
1. Are you getting responses to your applications/resume' submittals? If you are great! At least you know your resume' is doing what it is supposed to do! If you aren't--you need to have a someone look over your resume' and then take their advice! And don't ever pay for resume' development or review there are a lot of individuals and agencies willing to take a look for free.
2. Are you getting interview requests from recruiters for jobs you aren't interested in? For this all I can say is really read the job description, don't apply just because you like the salary or location (yes people do this).
3. Are you getting interviews but never a job offer? This is tricky. Sometimes its the interviewer, maybe they have a unconscious bias against you. Maybe they have too many candidates and you got lost in the shuffle, OR maybe unbeknownst to you, you were carrying the frustration and anger from your long job search into the interview. Make sure you leave your frustration and anger outside the door of the building, not just the office of the interview. Support staff may have the ear of the interviewer or hiring manager if they witness anything perceived as negative. As far as getting lost in the shuffle, it is imperative that you follow up weekly until they tell you no or hire you. After the initial follow up the day of the interview, keep reaching out so you don't get lost in the shuffle!
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