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Chastity shares Her Fitness Journey which led to her Passion

Write to Chass Joy


I first got into fitness over 15 years ago, my motivation was strictly to lose weight and save my life as an African American woman . I literally cared about nothing else. I wanted to lose weight at whatever cost necessary to not carry on the obesity trait that plague the African American community. My reason changed over the years. I was outgoing but I dreaded going to the gym, but I kept going. I’m so glad I did because over time, I grew to like it and found group fitness dance classes. These are classes I never imagined I would teach. I tried new things, challenged myself, and genuinely grew to enjoy fitness because I found dance and weight training classes that I felt that challenged me but I felt good. To be honest, it probably took me a few months to get to that point. But by that time, I started to see some results from my labor and started feeling better in general. I had more energy. I was stronger and I was also losing weight. This motivated me to keep going and helping with my 100 pound weight loss. Fast forward a few years to the present, and I can’t imagine not working out and teaching dance fitness classes . However, my reasons are much different now why I Love fitness. I no longer look at fitness as something I have to do to lose weight and exercise but I look at fitness as a way of life and my passion to help others change their life. My passion is to now motivate others to fitness through dance fitness, I want my clients to take back their life no matter where they are at in their walk of fitness. I want to be the cheerleader for people who could not achieve fitness goals. Dance fitness has improved my clients confidence, mental and physical well being , ;emotional functioning and even boosted productivity and relationships. This is why I love training and motivating others to fitness. That’s how I feel and hope that can answer your questions

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