Mental Health Issues in the
21st Century Church
By Joyce A. Graham
M.Ed., LPC
It is important for us to realize that we serve a Holistic God who is concerned about every component of our lives. He cares about the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental components of our lives.
However we live in a fallen world. And because of that fact, believers are susceptible to some of the same issues as Non-Believers. So just as it is possible for us to become impaired physically, emotionally and even spiritually, it is also possible for us to become impaired mentally. And just as we confront physical, emotional and spiritual issues, we must confront mental issues just as aggressively.
I am convinced that all disorders – physical, emotional, spiritual and mental – are a result of the fall and, in that sense, a consequence of the sin in the world. I am equally convinced that we have a Savior Who will one day eradicate all disorders and bring us to live in a new world with Him where there will be order instead of disorder.
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4
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