Spiritual Contractions!
Cynthia R. Bennett
Massive flooding in the mid-west regions; increased storms and hurricanes; earthquakes in divers places; volcanoes that were dormant for over ten thousand years, all of a sudden erupts; gay marriages sanctioned; false prophets claiming to be Jesus; one billion dollars in damage to the agriculture sector; gas prices extremely out of control; troubled economy; low housing market; high employment rate; homicide rates increasing; and terrorists threats towards Israel are not incidents resulting from global warming, man made errors, technical or mechanical failures. But events that were foretold over two thousand years ago; and are on course leading up to “the biggest and most extreme phenomenon” that was prophesized to occur. The body of Christ is having “spiritual contractions” signaling that His entry is near.
In Matthews 24:3-8 (paraphrased) the disciples asked Jesus what will be the sign of His return. He began His answer by saying that there will be wars and rumors of wars, but they would have no bearing on the end of the age: there will always be wars and revolutions, but they are not the sign of the end. Then He said that there will be a specific type of war, and this war will be the one sign to watch for in order to know that the end of the age has begun: "Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom". He added that there will be famines and earthquakes in various places and all of these events together are the beginning of sorrows or the beginning of the end as we know it.
Here is an analogy: A pregnant woman displays signs that she will be giving birth soon. For one she visibly has a large, round stomach; she wears maternity or large size clothes; she may have gained a few pounds with changes in her features or color of her skin; i.e. there are notable changes taking place. But as she moves closer to her delivery date, she prepares the nursery with furniture, toys, supplies and food; and keeps her suitcase ready and packed for a quick departure to the hospital. For as she goes about her daily routine, sleeping and eating, on a moment’s notice, her water breaks, and the contractions start, indicating her time for delivery is near. For those who have not experienced this type of event, contractions or labor pains indicate the baby has positioned him/herself into the birth canal and is preparing to move towards entry. As the pain gets more intense, (they can last a few minutes, several hours, or even a couple of days), the mother begins to dilate. When the woman’s womb opens up to ten centimeters in diameter, for vaginal birth procedures, she is told to start pushing hard to deliver the baby.
In God's spiritual timeframe, we really don't know how long the "spiritual contractions" will be either, for Matthews 25:13 says to watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh; but looking at the increase intensity of world events that are unfolding, and we are to get in place because there are changes taking place indicating the hour is fast approaching and his entry is near. Let’s encourage one another to make sure we have our things packed and in order for this will be a quick departure. Believe, mediate, and Act on the word of God because we are in "labor" and are now at ten centimeters in diameter. Therefore, it is time to push hard the Gospel of Jesus Christ; push hard for Salvation; push hard for Holiness so we can deliver souls into the kingdom.
The world is shaping itself into an exact picture of the end-times before the coming of Christ. Folks, the handwriting is on the wall; it is time that we work out our own Salvation with fear and trembling for when Jesus comes back to meet the Saints in the clouds, this will be the commencement to moving into the Millennial Kingdom to reign forever with Him…..for we are walking by faith on This Journey.
Evangelist Cynthia R. Bennett
Founder of This Journey Ministries
Email: info@thisjourney.org
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