Another Summer Trauma & Memories
Dr. Denizela' R. Dorsey
Trauma impedes your memory while affecting your peripheral nervous system. Trauma creates both episodic and emotional memory. Episodic memory remembers sights, sounds, smells: every episode of the traumatic experiences and how painful and scary the event was…. Emotional memory happens when the brains perceives a threat or thinks about the episodic memory then you may feel vulnerable and operated from survival, causing you to become hijacked and unable to calm your brain’s activity. One way to calm the brain down is creating new experiences in your hippocampus and striatum. Remember emotional memory can and will get triggered without context, your brain can create a false narrative even in good things due to the memories and thoughts. Teach your brain to serve you. Stay Hydrated.
-Stay tuned my fifth publication is on its way, and it will be an audio book as well as printed book.
Dr. Denizela’ R.Dorsey,
Sparkman Articles
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