Financial Advisor for
Adults and Kids
Ashley Fox
I reached a pivotable point in my career, as a financial advisor, where I realized that serving individuals wasn’t going to help me financially empower the world. I needed to go BIGGER…but then I realized that if I spend all my time educating adults, I miss out on impacting the children who will grow up making the same mistakes I did. So, I knew that (even though it would be hard) I needed to financially educate children too!
People then said to me “you know that kids don’t have money, right? It’s the parents who you want.” And my response was, “yes, I didn’t have money as a kid either, and no one taught me. It’s because of that…that I still made a bunch of financial mistakes.”
Why does it matter if kids don’t have money. If you made a financial mistake in the past, it has now become a lesson for the next generation. You don’t need to be a financial expert to financially educate a child. You need trials & tribulations that are worth telling!
So, even when you don’t have tons of money to set aside for your children, be that financial mentor you wish you had growing up.
Now…for everyone who’s ready to build wealth for their children, consider dividend-paying investments as a way to build passive income for the children in your life. Take care of their now, but take small steps towards their financial future.
My focus, for my 5 years old niece, is to build her a passive income portfolio that pays $1,000/month, and I’m building everyday.
Here are 4 more of my favorite Wealth Building tools for children:
1. Custodial Brokerage Account - this allows you to buy stock for a minor. Have one that you manage for the child and then get another that they can utilize too (show them how to build wealth WITH you)
2. An Indexed Universal Life Insurance Policy - this is a great generational wealth tool, but also an investment tool (especially when you overfund it )
3. Outline the child as a beneficiary on your assets WITH the asset first being passed down to a trust for them. This allows you to set rules & structure to how the money is distributed.
4. REITs - add a little passive income real estate to their name too
I started investing $35/month for my niece, and as my bank account & knowledge grew, so did my niece’s portfolio.
Start small & build big!
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