The Damage Does Not
Define You!
Cynthia Bennett
April is SAAM...Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Statistics show that 1 in 3 women, 33% and 1 in 4 men, 25% experience sexual violence involving physical contact during his or her lifetime. These violations have left many of its victims vulnerable, traumatized, and debilitating. But I want you to know that you are NOT damaged goods. Though you have been damaged, there is still good in you. You still have something to offer and obtain in life. God still has a purpose for you. What happened was detrimental, but it wasn't definitive. It doesn't define who you are. What YOU thought would kill you, didn't kill you, YOU SURVIVED IT! You are stronger, wiser, and more courageous than what you give yourself credit.
You may have feelings of depression and sadness some days, and other days, you may experience joy and happiness. You are human, and we all have at one time or another, dealt with some of or all of these emotions. God created them. He understands how they work. Yet, he still loves us, and he still chooses us and calls us his own. He sees our end from the beginning and knows you will be great in the kingdom. Not only should we talk to God, but he also has put people in place for us to talk to them as well. Sometimes, it is good to talk to a professional counselor or therapist when we are trying to understand our emotions. When we are hurting in our bodies and we don't understand the nature of our pain or how to deal with it, we see a doctor. When we can't figure something out or don't quite understand our feelings, it would also be the same concept. Let's debunk the saying that Christians should not see a therapist or counselor; if you do, you are not in faith. Don't remain bound by unfounded beliefs and statements that will keep you in bondage. Let's take care of our mental health so that we can heal and be equipped for HIS purpose! Give yourself a chance and open up to the person God shows you through prayer. Because somebody is watching and listening; and they need you and they are depending on you to show them they can overcome trauma just like you did!
Thank you!
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