Happy Father’s Day!
We need to Talk.
Melody Fogarty
Happy Father’s Day! We need to talk. Obviously those few words strike fear in the hearts of most men. However, this conversation is really an effort to communicate directly with you. The future, gentlemen, lays once more upon your shoulders. Let’s talk about it.
For quite some time, the world in front of us, the world of work has been changing. As men you have avoided, in many cases, higher education in the form of university and college attendance. Many of you have subscribed to the thought of not needing a college education in order to be successful. That is true for the few, just like success as an athlete or an entertainer is a path for a few. It is not the path for all, not even most. That said, I understand and agree, a university education is not conducive for all. So what are your options?
Consider the following, your number one objective should be to take care of yourself, then your family. How are you to achieve it? This goal happens in three ways. First, contribute to the family through earnings. Second, you can contribute through your efforts at home. Lastly, you can contribute through legacy.
Contribution through earnings may come in the form of entrepreneurship, employment or inheritance. To be an entrepreneur, you can start a business, or you can take up a trade, which allows you to be self-employed. Employment, generally means you were going to work for somebody else, and they are going to profit from your labor as opposed to being self-employed. If given the choice select entrepreneurship over employment. Take up a trade that cannot easily be replicated. The top choices are carpenter, electrician, plumber, mechanic, hairstylist, or nail tech. As a licensed tradesmen, you’ll be a six figure earner. You could become a chef however, the safest route is the own your own restaurant. Being a restaurant owner is high risk, high reward. Lastly inheritance, proper management of assets and monies left to you is another way to bring earnings into the home. Managing family money is a job as is engaging with the professionals who manage your money and taxes.
You are truly loved for your efforts as a parent, as a guide, a husband and a son. We appreciate you. These roles put you in a position of protector and provider. So, you can be a house husband, this role is a respectable position as much so as being a wife. You can also contribute to the family by minimizing the costs to fix the home or the vehicles. Your contributions as a listener and friend, are appreciate more than you’ll ever know.
Finally, legacy comes down to two components, your wisdom, and what you leave behind. If you have no assets, leave your love. If you have assets, leave a trust as well. Please make a will. When you leave this world without one, you leave dissension.
This Father’s Day we thank you for all that you have done for our communities and to move us forward. Continue to work together to build our communities. For yourselves and us fill the community with opportunities to build wealth on our terms such that we no longer need or want to leave our communities to acquire things. That means build us grocery stores, retail stores, brands, hospitals, dental, healthcare facilities, ophthalmologist, etc. We look to you to build us our Fort Mill South Carolina, New Hope Pennsylvania, our Mayberry USA.
You are loved, and I wish you the happiest of Father’s Days.
Sparkman Articles
Marilyn Parker-Publisher-CEO Sparkman Magazine is a family-owned digital publication dedicated to serving the community and publishes articles to inspire and encourage. It is a Christian Publication seeking to serve resources and opportunities to empower our readers in successful living in life.
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