How can something as small as a pinch cause significant pain!
Cynthia Bennett
How can something as small as a pinch cause significant pain, significantly when it has affected a sensitive area in the body? A pinch is something that, when it occurs, instantly moves your focus away from the sensitive area and turns it towards the effect that it has left behind. Ladies let's be careful how we handle others when we know they are experiencing sensitive issues because a 'little bit hurts. You say a 'little bit of what? Insensitivity, negativity, abrasiveness, harshness.
We all have our issues to deal with, and while some may be more sensitive, let's help heal hurt and pain by speaking victory and life to each other's situations. Provers 18:21 says death and life are in the power of the tongue. We can build each other up or tear each other down with our mouths. The book of James says that a tiny bit in a horse's mouth can turn his whole body. Let's look at ourselves and determine what 'bit' is in our mouths. How do our mouths turn into our situations? Does it come out favorable, or is it a disaster? Hmmm.
Just think when you are sometimes working with a set of keys on a keychain, and you end up getting your finger or a piece of your skin on your hand caught in between the silver ring; that little bit of a pinch has a considerable effect on your hand and fingers to the point is sometimes may go numb. Before you go another step with anything, you strictly focus on getting your hand free from the pinch. Why is it that when we sometimes find people who are hurt to the point, they have become numb, we neglect to assist in alleviating their pain? Focus on them, use our hands to lift them, and help in the areas we can. We sometimes pinch each other with our attitudes and behaviors. Displaying a 'little bit of these attributes negatively can hurt immensely and leave a lasting negative effect on a person.
It's time to work on ourselves; many women and men have been pinched in sensitive areas by the effects of the world and are looking for someone to soothe the pain and wounds with compassion, love, and consolation. If you don't know; a little bit of grief still hurts, a little bit of pain still hurts; a little bit of disappointment still hurts. 1 Corinthians 12:25-26 says there should be no schism (or separation) in the body, but the members should have the same care for one another. Whether one member suffers, all of the members suffer from it. Let's be mindful of others. We can help with prayer, encouragement, and love because a 'little bit' helps!
Be Blessed!
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