When Trouble Comes
Dorothy Haire
Trouble comes to everybody sooner or later. Often trouble comes back-to-back. First, the refrigerator breaks down, then your child gets sick and needs expensive medicine, and then you lose your job.
To be honest, we often do not know how to respond when trouble comes. We try this, then that, and then the other. When nothing we think of works, we get frustrated and cry out, “God, why me!” We need wisdom. Opinions are plentiful, but true wisdom can only be found in one place.
James, the brother of Jesus, taught:
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5, New International Version).
James said when you do not know what to do ask God for wisdom. Knowledge is not enough. Knowledge has been defined as raw information or facts. Wisdom is learning how to use the raw
information or facts. James gives further instructions:
“Just make sure you ask empowered by confident faith without doubting that you will receive. For the ambivalent person believes one minute and doubts the next. Being undecided makes you become like the rough seas driven and tossed by the wind. You’re up one minute and tossed down the next” (James 1:6, The Passion Translation).
We may doubt or rebel against the wisdom of God we receive while reading the Bible or through the revelation given by the Holy Spirit during prayer. Why? Because God’s wisdom is contrary to what seems right to us. For example, Jesus said in Matthew 5:44, (The Passion Translation):
“…I say to you, love your enemy, bless the one who curses you, do something wonderful for the one who hates you, and respond to the very ones who persecute you by praying for them.”
This wisdom is so far from our human instincts that some of us will doubt this is from God and start rebuking the Devil. We want to punch our enemy in the face, not love them, bless them, and pray for them! Isn’t it revealing that we often trust God enough to ask for help, then question the answer? James says this attitude will cause you to miss your blessing/deliverance:
“That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do” (James 1:7-8, New International Version)
So, what is the solution? When in trouble ask God for help, then believe the answer. “Trust Him with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
I know God’s wisdom can be hard on the flesh. But, trust Him to direct you to the place of victory. Ask. Listen. Obey. Experience supernatural deliverance from your trouble. It may take a minute, so be patient and refuse to doubt. Victory is guaranteed. Selah!
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