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"That's right, It's Women's Equal Pay Day This Month"
Bernie Frazier


....but are you getting paid what you know (or even think!) you deserve?

If you're a Black woman in America, I presume the odds aren’t in your favor, you’re probably not paid adequately, at least not according to the experts.

While March is Women's History Month and March 8th, specifically, is International Women's Day, I want to focus on March 25th, which is Women's Equal Pay Day. 

Women's Equal Pay Day will be remembered and celebrated with plenty of social media posts, lunches, and maybe even a shout-out or two from a few men. However, all of the reports and stats state that Black women are still some of the lowest-paid workers in this country. Are you surprised? If you are, that surprises me.

Black women are some of the highest educated, hardest working employees in many organizations, yet raise your hand if you know that working hard isn't an automatic ticket to earning more.


The first job offer I made to a candidate was in 1990. Considering I still dabble in recruiting from time to time, can you imagine how many offers I've made in THIRTY-FIVE YEARS? Yes, A LOT.

Of course, we all know discrimination is real; however, I can tell you from first-hand experience that the reason why we often make less isn't always because of discrimination. I've been in discussions with hiring leaders where they were ready, willing, and able to pay the Black female candidate $5K-$15K more than what the initial offer was going to be, but guess what?


I know some of you might be thinking, "Well Bernie, why didn’t you just offer her more from the get-go?"

Great question. The reason why is because it wasn't my budget, so I couldn't dictate the term$. I would work to get the hiring leader to offer as much as I could, but at the end of the day, I couldn't make the final call.

That's why I'm so passionate about lamenting and spreading the knowledge of this topic to my sistahs. A few of you have heard me teach on this, so you know I mean business!

Marilyn, aren't you tired of working your butt off, thinking, and hoping you're being compensated fairly? Do you know the devastating feeling of 'accidentally' finding out your mediocre colleague makes more than you? Do you want to do something about it but don't know what or how?

That's where I come in.

I want to teach you how to negotiate a job offer so you can earn what you're worth and ensure greater financial $ecurity for you and your family.

On Tuesday, March 18th, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm CDT, I'm going to share tips and insights to teach you how to ask for and earn more.

Marilyn, this is NOT the webinar to miss!!! In just two hours, and for a small inve$tment of $47.00, you can learn how to earn THOU$AND$ more!

For just $47.00, here's what you'll get:

⦁ Specific tips (and more!) that will help you get THOU$AND$ more with your next job offer!

⦁ A list of items that can be negotiated that you never thought of or knew about!

⦁ Insights for answering the most dreaded interview question, "So, what compensation are you looking for?" without cheating yourself or pricing yourself out of the job!

⦁ A 15-page workbook you can use during and after the training for reference and practice!

⦁ Live Q&A at the end!

And if you register and participate, you'll receive a special surprise during the webcast!

It's time to invest in you so you can reap the reward$!!

CLICK THE LINK:  Bernie Frazier

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