Prophet Daniel Pringle
The Church has become too casual and too familiar in approaching a thrice Holy God. I recall coming up in ministry that you wouldn’t even dare step on a platform if your life wasn’t right. Our pulpits have become polluted with flesh. We have concerts rather than worship experiences. We have Sunday morning motivational speakers rather than preachers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Levites are no longer sanctified. The fear of the Lord is no longer present in the hearts of the people and in the church. The fear of the Lord must return. The fear of the Lord is predicated on the holiness of God. He is still Holy, Holy , Holy.
But there is a remnant that is rising that walks in the fear of the Lord. The true Levite’s will usher in a sound that will bring in such a presence that the hearts of men will melt like wax. The fear of the Lord must be in our songs, the fear of the Lord must return to the pulpits , the fear of the Lord must return to our gatherings. The fear of the Lord must be in our messages, and we must return to preaching that produces conviction and not a happy good time. Without the fear of the Lord, we are just having religious entertainment fooling ourselves that this is good enough and satisfactory to a Holy God. Don’t be deceived. He is still and always will be Holy, Holy , Holy.
Prophet Daniel Pringle
Sparkman Articles
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