"Gripping Your Purpose"
Apostle David Rodgers
The path to purity goes through the valley of PURPOSE. PURPOSE is not just what you are
called to DO, but what you are called to BE! The processes GOD has chosen to use, to develop
YOU TO BE, must be GRIPPED! Processes produce PURPOSE, and the processes vary in degrees
of intensity based on GOD’s ordained plan for your life. Most people fail, because the
PROCESSES look and feel nothing like the glory of the PURPOSE! So when what they want to
DO, flies contrary to what GOD has designed them to be, most OPT OUT!
HOLINESS is the objective! Your name on an flyer or you preaching on a platform is a distant
second to you living right! So many get caught up in the spectacle of ministry that they become
seduced by the noise and the obstacles versus becoming greater lovers of GOD and His
Our PURPOSE is to represent CHRIST, HIS CROSS and HIS KINGDOM and allow HIM to elevate
our influence. Stop worrying about who’s not supporting you or working with you and focus on
the GOD who called you according to HIS PURPOSE, that’s the only way ALL THINGS WORK
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are
the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to conform to
the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover, whom He
predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He
justified, these He also glorified.”
Sparkman Articles
Marilyn Parker-Publisher-CEO Sparkman Magazine is a family-owned digital publication dedicated to serving the community and publishes articles to inspire and encourage. It is a Christian Publication seeking to serve resources and opportunities to empower our readers in successful living in life.
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