PeChaz Clark shares the Most important thing to do is just MOVE!
PeChaz Clark
Why is exercising so important to me?
For me, exercising is fun, exciting, and my mood booster and stress relief.
Once I turn my music on, my endorphins begin to flow, and I feel at my best.
In return, I’ve been able to stay healthy and maintain a weight that goes back to my high school years.
Statement to exercise:
I would say find something enjoyable for you, whether it’s swimming, dancing, running, etc., this way, you’re sure to stick with it.
It also helps if you have someone to do it with; this way, you can hold each other accountable.
I think everyone needs to be active in some form or fashion. But as we get older (I turned 50 last year), it’s even more important to maintain a healthy heart and strong muscles.
How would you begin:
I would say the most accessible form of exercise is walking. Just get up and start walking, whether in your house, neighborhood, park, etc.
If walking isn’t your thing, then start moving while sitting. There are plenty of chair exercises you can do while sitting. The most important thing is to move!
PeChaz Clark is a Certified Personal Trainer, Spin and Fitness Instructor, and co-owner of Mindset Fitness Training.
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