"Know Better, Do Better!"
Pastors Ricky and Sheila Floyd
On June 20 1993, I woke up with a startling revelation. I realized I was ignorant, void of knowledge, and didn’t know that I didn’t know, until it was too late, that I had just married a beautiful, but damaged women. At that time, I would not only find out how damaged she was, but because of my ignorance and personal wounds, I would add to her wounds and worries. I woke up that Sunday morning and realized that I did not have a clue how to function in two of the most important accomplishments I would ever have in my life, a husband and a father.
Most of the time that you hear this 1 Peter 3:7; it is talking about knowing your wife. I want to submit to you that many marriages have not only been unfulfilling, but have been dramatically draining and depressing because of the lack of knowledge. The first thing that we are ignorant of is our Creator. In order to have a healthy, happy, wholesome marriage, you have to be committed and submitted to the Holy One. You have to consider it not robbery to have the mind, the mouth, the emotions, and the motions of God. You will never be able to function in the favor and with the faith that pleases the Father, if you don’t know Him. The second thing is you need to know is yourself.
Most of us have not truly discovered our God Identity. Too many of us get married before we know God’s vision and our purpose. If you don’t know who you really are, how can you know what you really need to do what you are really called to do? When this is the case, we place strong demands on our spouse to fulfill our physical needs because we don’t even know our spiritual needs.
Finally, we need to know those who labor amongst us. Our spouse is our most profitable kingdom co-laborer. Most of us have not taken the time or know the importance of really understanding your spouse’s thoughts, actions, feelings, needs, desires, fears and dreams. Some of you may be able to relate and feel a spirit of frustration trying to arise because contracts, children, car notes and mortgages are involved now. You’re now trying to figure out what to do. Exchange the frustration for faith and begin to enjoy the discovery process of learning to get closer to God. Discover who and whose you are at the same time that your spouse is. Do it with faith, hope, love, and a whole lot of grace for you and your spouse. Then watch joy and peace that surpasses understanding become your new normal.
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